News and Announcements

Climate Change could make RSV Respiratory Infection Outbreaks Less Severe, More Common
Dec. 16, 2019

Princeton University-led researchers studied annual outbreaks of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) in one of the first examinations of how climate change could affect diseases such as influenza (pictured) that are transmitted directly from person to person. The researchers, led by PEI Postdoc Rachel Baker with support from CIMES, found that…

Structure and Performance of GFDL’s CM4.0 Climate Model
Nov. 8, 2019

A new a paper led by a team of GFDL and Princeton researchers, among them CIMES scientists, describes GFDL’s latest multi-purpose atmosphere-ocean coupled climate model, CM4.0. It consists of GFDL’s newest atmosphere and land models at about 100…

At the Frontline: Princeton Environmental Forum Addresses Climate Crises
Oct. 30, 2019

In response to the urgent environmental challenges facing the planet, Princeton faculty and alumni who are working to protect the environment gathered for the Princeton Environmental Forum held on campus Oct. 24-25. They came with knowledge, questions and an eagerness to share ideas from the frontlines of science leadership and environmental…

Why are Big Storms Bringing So Much More Rain? Warming, Yes, but also Winds
Oct. 30, 2019

For three hurricane seasons in a row, storms with record-breaking rainfall have caused catastrophic flooding in the southern United States: Harvey in 2017, Florence in 2018 and Imelda in 2019. A new analysis by Princeton researchers explains why this trend is likely to continue with global warming. Both the higher moisture content of warmer air…

Vecchi, Baldwin, & Majkut to Address Environmental Issues at Princeton Environmental Forum
Oct. 23, 2019

The two-day Princeton Environmental Forum will feature Princeton faculty and alumni environmental leaders, among them CIMES Director Gabe Vecchi, CICS Alum Jane Baldwin, and Joe Majkut,…

Hurricane Model Development at GFDL: A Collaborative Success Story from a Historical Perspective
Oct. 11, 2019

CIMES Researcher Morris Bender, an AOS research meteorologist, is the lead author of an article, published in the September issue of the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society (BAMS), describing the successful collaborations that played a pivotal role in transitioning the GFDL hurricane research model into a long…

Rapid Attribution of the Extreme Rainfall in Texas from Tropical Storm Imelda
Sept. 30, 2019

A new rapid analysis carried out by an international team of scientists, among them CIMES Director Gabe Vecchi, professor of Geosciences and the Princeton Environmental Institute, and former CICS Researcher Karin van der Wiel

Gabe Vecchi to Talk on Climatic Influences on Tropical Cyclones and their Severity
Sept. 27, 2019

As the second speaker of the Fall 2019 PEI Faculty Seminar Series, CIMES Director Gabriel Vecchi, professor of geosciences and the Princeton Environmental Institute, will…

Gabriel Vecchi: Climate Crisis Contributes to Intensity of Storms
Sept. 5, 2019

CIMES Director Gabriel Vecchi,  professor of Geosciences and the Princeton Environmental Institute, appears on Jake Trappers' CNN "Earth Matters Series" to discusses the intensity of Hurricane Dorian as it moves up the East Coast. [video] appears on Jake Trappers' CNN "Earth Matters Series" to discusses the intensity of Hurricane Dorian as it…

How has Climate Change Affected Hurricane Dorian?
Sept. 4, 2019

CIMES Director Gabe Vecchi, professor of Geosciences and the Princeton Environmental Institute, addresses this question in a New York Times piece ...
