
Meet Our Newest Arrivals
Jan. 13, 2023
Welcome! Mykhailo (Mike) Rudko

Mike joins CIMES from the University of Miami's Rosenstiel School of Marine, Atmospheric, and Earth Science, as a professional specialist working with Lucas Harris. Mike will be working on porting the hybrid machine learning workflow from the Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence (AI2) onto NOAA…

Welcome CIMES 2022 Summer Interns
May 23, 2022

Welcome to our summer interns, who will be working in-person this summer:

Allan Cruz (University of Puerto Rico), hosted by Ming Zhao and Steve Garner
Project: A Study of Changes in Atmospheric Blocking Statistics in Response to Global Warming Using GFDL GCMs


CIMES Leadership Announcement
July 1, 2021

We are pleased to announce that Profs. Vecchi and Fueglistaler are switching their roles in the Cooperative Institute for Modeling the Earth System (CIMES). As of July 1, 2021, Prof. Fueglistaler is the…

Welcome CIMES 2021 Summer Interns
May 10, 2021

Welcome to our summer interns who will be working remotely this summer:

Kanoe Aiu (Stanford University), hosted by Brandon Reichl, Alistair Adcroft, and Stephen Griffies
Project: Validating Ocean Surface Mixed Layer Variability in GFDL’s OM4

Victor Araya (St…

Congratulations to Elizabeth Yankovsky
Aug. 31, 2020

Please join me in congratulating Elizabeth Yankovsky who successfully defended her Ph.D. Thesis, “Modeling and Parameterizing Submesoscale Turbulence in Dense Arctic Flows,” yesterday.  Elizabeth has accepted a postdoctoral position at NYU's Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, working with Laure Zanna and Shafer Smith.…

Congratulations to Tsung-Lin Hsieh
Aug. 14, 2020

Congratulations to Tsung-Lin Hsieh who successfully defended his Ph.D. Thesis, “Theory and Hierarchical Modeling of Tropical and Extratropical Cyclones,” on August 14.  Tsung-Lin  plans to continue his research at Princeton, working with Gabe Vecchi as a PEI postdoc.

CIMES Welcomes New Summer Intern
June 22, 2020
CIMES welcomes summer intern Natalie O'Leary, a Princeton undergraduate, who will be working remotely with Aparna Radhakrishnan. 
Natalie will research robust techniques to deploy the Earth System Grid Federation software stack in cloud platforms (e.g. Google Cloud Platform and Amazon Web Services) to expand access to…
Welcome CIMES 2020 Summer Interns
June 1, 2020

Welcome to our summer interns who will be working remotely this summer:

Quiana Berry (Bronx Community College), hosted by Jessica Luo & Liz Drenkard
Project: Modeling Mechanisms of Coral Thermal Refugia

Akira Di Sandro (Oberlin College), hosted by Marion Alberty…

Announcements Archive by Year