Postdoctoral and Research Scientist Program

Research Program in Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences

The Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences program provides a stimulating and supportive environment for career development of both early career and established researchers. Postdoctoral and visiting research scientists have access to collaborators from a pre-eminent government laboratory in NOAA-GFDL, as well as Princeton University research collaboration and training opportunities.

Postdoctoral and research scientists are recruited through two different mechanisms. Firstly, researchers are sought to work on specific projects funded through grants from a variety of different sources. Some of these positions involve collaboration with NOAA-GFDL, while others are advised primarily by Princeton faculty. Openings for these positions occur throughout the year; current announcements are listed at Employment Opportunities.

The second mechanism for recruitment of postdoctoral and research scientists is through an annual open search, for which applicants propose their own research project in the atmospheric and oceanic sciences. This program is a collaboration between the AOS Program at Princeton University and NOAA-GFDL, fostering independent research and/or collaboration with NOAA-GFDL/Princeton scientists on problems of mutual interest. Each scientist selected through this program is assigned a host with related research interests from within GFDL or AOS. Applications for this program are sought once per year. Early career scientists should apply to the postdoctoral research scientist program; more established scientists should apply to the visiting research scientists program (see below for full details).  

The next application deadline is: December 8, 2024.

Applicants are strongly encouraged to contact GFDL and Princeton University scientists prior to application.  To find potential research hosts, please consult the GFDL organizational chart and the AOS Faculty List.

How to apply to the postdoctoral research scientists program

Applications are welcomed from new PhDs, for postdoctoral positions, but will also be accepted from more experienced researchers. Postdoctoral appointments are normally for one year with the likelihood of a renewal for a second year based on satisfactory performance and continued funding.  A competitive salary is offered commensurate with experience and qualifications.

We seek applications in all areas of the climate sciences. This includes research in:

  • atmospheric physics and chemistry, including air quality
  • basic processes in atmospheric and oceanic dynamics
  • biogeochemistry
  • boundary layer processes
  • climate and weather extremes
  • climate diagnostics and analysis
  • climate dynamics, variability and prediction
  • climate impacts, such as sea-level rise, heatwaves, and droughts
  • cloud dynamics and convection
  • continental hydrology and land processes
  • geophysical fluid mechanics
  • land-and-sea ice dynamics
  • marine ecosystems
  • ocean-atmosphere interaction
  • physical oceanography
  • societal impacts of climate and environmental change, including economic and social impacts on marginalized communities.

Click here to apply on-line. 

For general information about applying to Princeton and how to self-identify, please click here.

For general information about Postdoctoral Researchers, please click here.

Applications should include a CV, contact details for three letters of recommendation, and a research proposal of about 5 pages in length. This proposal should clearly outline the research the applicant wishes to conduct in collaboration with Princeton and NOAA-GFDL scientists, and should list the proposed collaborators, as well as having a clear explanatory project title.  A goal of our program is diversifying the community of scientists and making the field more equitable and inclusive. We will therefore take into consideration personal experiences as well as efforts in education, outreach or other service activities related to earth system science or other sciences, which may be described in a separate section of the research proposal. Applications should be submitted by December 8, 2024 for full consideration.

How to apply to the visiting research scientists program

Applications are welcomed from independent researchers and more senior scientists who wish to visit GFDL for the purpose of collaboration, for sabbatical or short visits, who will be considered for partial support.   Advanced degree required.

Click here to apply on-line.

For general information about applying to Princeton and how to self-identify, please click here.

Applications should include a CV, copies of recent publications, contact details for three letters of recommendation, and a research proposal including the project title. A goal of our program is diversifying the community of scientists and making the field more equitable and inclusive. We will therefore take into consideration personal experiences as well as efforts in education, outreach or other service activities related to earth system science or other sciences, which may be described in a separate section of the research proposal. Applications should be submitted by December 8, 2024 for full consideration.