Heat Extremes in Current and Future Possible Climates: Dynamical and Thermodynamic Drivers and Implications for Society

Hosts: Veeshan Narinesingh and Kirsten Findell

In this project the researcher will utilize computer programming to investigate heatwaves in observations and climate model simulations --both in current and future climate projections. After picking a region of interest, the researcher will focus on understanding the dynamical and meteorological properties of heat events, making note of any aspects adding to their predictability. The researcher will also investigate the thermodynamics of these events to better understand what types of processes drive the enhanced temperatures (i.e. soil moisture depletion, advection, etc.). The exact details will be discussed and finalized with input from both the researcher and mentor. In addition, there is also the option for a social and environmental justice element of this work investigating the impacts of extreme heat on certain communities.